Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ms. Clark's Google Classroom!!!!

The "google classroom" is very similar to sites you may be using for other classes, like edmoto and schoology. Unlike this blog, you can turn in assignments on the google classroom (with this blog, you could only view resources and leave comments).

**When you create something using your school gmail account, like a slides presentation or google doc, you can turn it in on to the google classroom easily: Click the assignment, choose the option that says "add", and you will be given options. You can use either the link that google creates for that file, or simply choose the file from your google drive.

How to Get to the Google Classroom:

1. Make sure you are logged in to the Chromebook using your school gmail address (your student # @ stamfordpublicschools.org)   ***TO access this from home, just log into your school gmail account using gmail.com

2. Type   classroom.google.com into the URL bar, or click the link in this sentence.

3. Once the page loads, find the plus sign in the upper right hand corner and click it.

4. Click "Join Class"

5. Find your class period's class code (it's written on the white board). MAKE SURE YOU USE THE CODE FOR YOUR CLASS PERIOD!

6. Click join and tada! You're in! :-D


1 comment:

  1. do we have to include the class' graph data as well as the chart in our lab report?
